
To play the Devil's Advocate (*-See below) for a minute, I will admit that Holliday gave no indication that he wanted to stay. He said he liked Colorado, but then hired Boras, who nobody hires when they want to stay where they are. He wanted Yankee/Red Sox money, and the Rockies certainly can't play ball with that. So one could argue that the Rockies, who would lose Holliday due to free agency no matter what, were right to trade him while they could.
Now, back to my actual opinion that the Rockies made a mistake. Yes, Holliday did not want to stay here, but the Rockies should have made him an offer that was close to what he'd get elsewhere. If he turns it down, so be it, that's his right... but at least the Rockies would have shown their fans they were serious about this "grow players from within" concept. Why do the Rockies want to play by the Twins/A's handbook? In how many World Series have those two teams appeared lately? The answer is zero, friends.

So these are frustrating times for Rockies fans, but fear not! I shall not abandon you! I will return in the spring, and the Rockies will regain their prowess in the NL West. And I would like to welcome Don Baylor back to the Rockies organization: I am certain he will be an asset to me in my efforts to bring the Rockies back to greatness!
* The above discussion reminds me of a funny story: I acutally was the Devil's advocate once. He was pulled over for having a taillight out, and I guess he wasn't in his usual silver-tongued mood with the officer. Usually he talks his way out of it, or makes some kind of deal and drives away better off than before he was pulled over, but this night was the end of a particularly rough day, and basically just let the guy have it. Ends up not only with a ticket for operating an unsafe vehicle, but also assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. Needless to say, he needed an experienced lawyer, and more importantly, he could afford an experienced lawyer. Not that I needed the money, but Lucifer doesn't exactly open up the coffers very often, so I made an exception to a very old rule of mine, and returned his call. Naturally, I plea bargained and kept it out of the papers. I am not at liberty to disclose the agreement, but Satan was happy with the result, and the cop got the SNL/movie career he'd always dreamed of.
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