Earlier this year, I wrote a bit about how I was in a beer line behind Jeff Francis, and totally showed him a thing or two on how to order a beverage with confidence. Well, once again I have given the Rockies and their fans an opportunity to brush against my considerable Coolness, just to give them an idea on how things should be done. Intrigued? Then by all means, my friends in coolness, read on...

So my brother and I are at Coors Field Saturday night, on
Matt Holliday Bobblehead night. Not only did we get a cool Holliday bobblehead, but the Rockies were thoughtful enough to also accessorize it with little Angel and Yankee "Holliday 5" jerseys and matching helmets, just to make it easier to keep it up-to-date in the coming months. Anyway, top of the 6th, and Hanley Ramirez fouls it off right behind the plate. It goes way up, bounces off the 2nd deck down to about six rows above us, and that's when I snagged it, in very cool and manly fashion! I was even able to make a sweet adjustment at the last second, as I lost it in the lights right as it came to me. So, hooray for me! I would TOTALLY win those Frontier flyball tickets if they just gave me the chance!
And then, a couple pitches later, some guy a couple sections over catches one...
with a baseball glove!!! What kind of self-respecting adult brings a baseball glove to a ballgame? Folks, if you're over 12 years old, leave the glove at home... seriously. You just look like a dweeb, not nearly as cool as somebody who catches it with their bare hand, like me. And if your height and reach allowed you to grab the ball right from over some little kid's outstretched hands, do the cool thing and give the ball to him or her as soon as the mock cheering for your "accomplishment" has faded.
These moments of awesomeness always come in three's, so I'll keep you posted on the next one.
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